Pretty Paper
This is the Willie Nelson classic Pretty Paper. I play in key of -D- in 2nd position on a Session Steel (G). I prefer the 1847 covers as...

The Arc in Seydel Chromatic Mouthpieces
Ever wonder what that arc in a chromatic mouthpiece is designed for? I explain that in this video. The arc is important and don't make...

1847 Classic BOLD
This is an 1847 Classic BOLD (LowC). It is Country Tuned so the 5 draw is raised 1/2 step. This allows for the playing of the major 7th...

Seydel 1847 BOLD Low Harps
The Seydel 1847 Classic BOLD is Seydel's low and super low tuned harmonica line. These are simply amazing harmonicas that play and sound...

The Seydel Symphony Grand Chromatic
Seydel has just introduced the long awaited 16 hole chromatic. Sales and positive reviews are far greater than expected and this chromatic

Helpful Information for the New and Intermediate Player
Spend any time on an online harmonica players resource or public forum and you will almost always see several posts from beginning...